Just For Laughs

Just for laughs is a great collection of funny motorcycle and car images...

I'm known for my sense of humour but not for my good sense of humour and I sincerely hope this page will put as big a smile on your face as it does mine.

If you have any jokes, pictures or videos that you would like to see here, please do send them to us and as long as they're not too indecent, we'll be delighted to add them here so we can give other visitors a smile or two.


biking dog

under the wing

biking dogs

going for a thong

bike ad

push bike

sore tailend

frontie fun

frozen bike

biking balance

spelling mistake

speed limit

biker babes

helmet error

got a flat tyre

sexist speed limit

paint job

another paint job


no way out


highlift jack

cat car

missed the garage

dangerous load

silly car

petrol prices


stuck in mud

on the rails

on the beach

central reservation

gas filler


With thanks to all our contributors and especially to our friends at www.bitsandpieces.us

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