Classic Vehicle Bookshelf >> Classic Motorcycle Books >> Classic Spanish Bike Books
This selection of general classic Spanish bike books covers the history and development of the Spanish motorcycle industry, Spanish makes and models.
Vintage Dirt Bikes: Bultaco, 125-370cc Singles, Through 1977, Montesa, 123-360cc Singles, 1965-1975, Ossa, 125-250cc Singles, 1971-1978 by Clymer (1978)
Bultaco, Montesa, Ossa: Chilton's New Repair And Tune-up Guide by John Kelly (1974)
Spanish Post-War Road And Racing Motorcycles by Mick Walker (1986). A good look at Spanish racing motor cycles, Bultaco, Derbi, Montesa, Ossa, Sanglas and others from the period 1945 to 1985.
65-72 Chilton Shop Service Repair Manual For Bultaco Montesa Ossa Motorcycles 1965-1972